On 10 July 2019, the Minister for Water announced that Lower Murray Water (LMW) and Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) are to refer all works licence applications for extractions from the lower Murray to her for assessment for the next 12 months.
This includes applications for new works licences and amendment of existing works licences and the conditions relating to extraction share, which is the measure used to determine rationing of supply during rosters or restrictions.
The Minister has stated that she will be taking consideration of the cumulative impacts of growing extractions on the environment and on existing entitlement holders.
The Minister has written to GMW and LMW stating that any works licence applications after the 10 July 2019 should be referred to her for assessment and determination.
The Victorian Government released a new independent report from Aither which shows that horticulture demands in the southern Murray-Darling Basin are higher than previous estimates, with 95% of all plantings located in the lower Murray region of Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia.
Applications for amendments to existing works licences in the lower Murray region will still be lodged with the relevant water corporation, who will send them to the Minister for Water for assessment and determination.
Applications for new works licences for irrigation in the lower Murray region will still be lodged with the relevant water corporation, who will send them to the Minister for Water for assessment and determination.
Delegation for assessing and determining water-use licences remains with the relevant water corporations.
More information on works licences can be found at:
More information on water-use licences can be found at:
If you have any enquiries, please email wcg.inbox@delwp.vic.gov.au