There are important changes happening to 5 frequently used Victorian Water Register Application Forms, some of which may affect you directly.

Our focus has been to make the Forms easier to follow, faster to complete, less prone to error, and better for emailing. To that end we have revised the questions and sequence, started making editable PDFs and updated the privacy statement. The updated privacy statement will provide applicants with greater security and is a move towards greater online capability.


Key Dates

The current Forms will be replaced on the Victorian Water Register website on Monday 17 September 2018. We understand that you may already be in the process of completing an existing copy and accordingly, both new and old formats of these Forms will continue to be accepted until 31 December 2018. However, from 1 January 2019, the water corporations will only accept the new version of the Forms.

Read more: Important Application Form Update

A new fact sheet is available to help water users understand how delivery shortfall risks are managed in the Murray River downstream of the Barmah Choke and what this means for their business.

This is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to improve public water information and transparency around water management.

Read more: Understanding delivery shortfall risks in the lower Murray

A new fact sheet is available which provides more information on how changing water use and climate in the southern Murray-Darling Basin are increasing competition for water across Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia.

This is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment under Water for Victoria to improve public water market information to help water users make informed decisions in managing their water and increase water market transparency.

Read more: Understanding future water availability in Northern Victoria

Your submissions invited to the Delivery Share Review

You are invited to make a submission on the review into delivery share arrangements in northern Victoria.

The discussion paper, summary findings and factsheets are available here.

Community engagement meetings are on this week at :

  • Mildura - 1 August, 5:30 pm at Quality Hotel, Seventh Street, Mildura
  • Kerang - 2 August, 6:30 pm at Goulburn Murray Water Office, 78 Kerang-Koondrook Road, Kerang
  • Shepparton - 3 August, 11 am at Quality Hotel Parklake, 481 Wyndham Street, Shepparton

Submissions are open until 20 August 2018.

Read more: Public forums this week in Mildura, Kerang & Shepparton

Access to online allocation trading through the Water Register Broker Portal and API and MyWater online trading has been restored this morning Thursday 19 July.

All online trades will be automatically approved or refused in line with the trading rules.

Read more: Online trading access restored

At 11:00am this morning (2 July 2018) we will open the Victorian Water Register including access to 'My Water' and online allocation trading.

We have now completed all necessary end of financial year water accounting tasks. We trust there has been minimal disruption to your business operations and we appreciate your support during this process.

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has announced that trading water from above the Barmah Choke to below the Choke will continue to be restricted in the 2018–19 water year.

For more information refer to the MDBA's media release available here.

The Victorian Water Register will be closed while we complete the end of year accounting to roll over from the 2017-18 water year to 2018-19.

On-line services will be suspended from 5pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) on Friday 29 June 2018 until 11am AEST on Monday 2 July 2018.

Read more: Important info for end of 2017-18 financial year

All allocation trades submitted online in Victoria are now being automatically processed, as a result of new improvements in the Victorian Water Register.

Automated processing of Barmah Choke trades

Allocation trades subject to the Barmah Choke trade restriction will now be automatically processed.

This is a joint initiative between the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) and the Victorian government. You can read the joint media release here.

Read more: Improvements to online allocation trade processing

New and more accessible information is now available on all water share and allocation trades in Victoria and the volumes of available (or unused) water held by private water holders, environmental water holders or water corporations. This is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to improve public water market information and increase water market transparency.

This initiative is part of delivering on one of the actions from the recently published review of Victorian water market effectiveness in line with Water for Victoria.

Read more: New information now available - Water Share / Allocation trades and Available Water

On 4 April 2018, DELWP advised that it would be following up on the outcomes of the annual audit of water brokers who use the Water Register’s online Broker Portal to request further information from some brokers.

In most cases, brokers have provided the requested information from the audit and DELWP is assessing this to consider if any further action is required to improve compliance with the Agreement.

Two water brokers have not provided the information requested in a timely manner, and DELWP will be suspending their access to the online portal until the required information is provided. This information will then be assessed to ensure that they have robust controls in place for their use of the portal.

DELWP takes the brokers’ obligations seriously and they provide important controls that support confidence in the conduct of water market intermediaries and the water market.

The Government, through Water for Victoria has committed to actively monitoring water markets to ensure that they continue to operate effectively.

Brokers who do not have access to the online portal can still submit trades manually to water corporations.


The first statewide review of the effectiveness of Victoria’s water markets has now been completed and released today.

This is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment under action 9.3 of Water for Victoria to review and report on how well Victoria’s water markets are operating against the elements of an effective water market. The review covered all Victorian water markets, including the northern, southern and western regulated surface water markets; unregulated surface water markets; and, groundwater markets.

Through this review, Victoria is continuing to demonstrate leadership in the active monitoring and development of water markets to make sure that they continue to work efficiently, with effective governance frameworks and trading rules in place to protect existing entitlement holders and the environment.

Read more: New report on the effectiveness of Victoria’s water markets

The Government, through Water for Victoria has committed to actively monitoring water markets to ensure that they continue to operate effectively.

A key task in this is an annual audit of the water brokers who use the Water Register’s Broker Portal/API (“the portal”).  The audit helps to ensure that brokers meet their obligations to provide transparency of water trades and accurate price disclosure to all parties.

Read more: Annual audit of water brokers' use of the Broker Portal

In line with the trading rules for the Broken system, allocation trade out of the Broken system will close for this season on Saturday 31 March 2018. Trade applications received after 31 March will not be approved.

Any trades from the Broken to the Goulburn, Loddon or Campaspe systems are still being automatically assessed online. These trades can be submitted online up until trade closes on Saturday 31 March 2018.

However, please be aware that any trades out of the Broken to the Victorian Murray or interstate are subject to the Goulburn to Murray trade rule. All allocation trades subject to this rule are currently being referred for manual processing by water corporations. This means that any trades from the Broken to the Victorian Murray or interstate will need to be submitted by Thursday 27 March 2018, to ensure that they can be manually processed by the last working day before trade out of the Broken closes for the year.

Read more: Broken trade out closing and trade opportunities over Easter break

All online applications to trade allocation that are subject to the Goulburn to Murray trade limit will be referred for manual processing from this evening.

An issue was encountered in the Victorian Water Register on Friday 16 March 2018 with the processing of a number of trade applications that were lodged online a few seconds apart when the trade opportunity opened up.

Referring online trade applications subject to the Goulburn to Murray trade limit for manual processing is required to make sure that all applications are assessed fairly and consistently with the trading rules.

Read more: Manual processing of online trades from Goulburn to Murray

The Victorian Water Register will be unavailable for use on Sunday March 18th 2018, from 9:00am until approximately 3:00pm. The system will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during that period.

This news item includes important information on:

  • The status of the Goulburn to Murray trade limit;
  • What trade is currently possible; and,
  • How the trade opportunity can change. Trade opportunity can change for a variety of reasons, for example when water is called out from the Goulburn inter-valley trade account by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The account balance is currently being publicly updated for call out at 10am on Wednesdays and Fridays. Read on for more.

Read more: Opportunities to trade from the Goulburn to the Murray, including use of tagged accounts

The Victorian Water Trading Annual Report for 2016-17 is now available.

This report summarises all water trades recorded in the Victorian Water Register for the 2016-17 year.  It presents information about the number, volume, price and location of trades for water shares, allocation, and groundwater and surface water take and use licences.

Read more: 2016-17 water trading report

If you are planning to trade water, you need to keep an eye on the status of the trade limits that might affect you.

Trade is not allowed from the Goulburn, Campaspe, Broken and Loddon systems to the Victorian Murray, or to New South Wales and South Australia, if more than 200 gigalitres (GL) of water is owed to the Murray at any one time. Trade will open again when the volume that the Goulburn owes the Murray falls below 200 GL. 

The amount owed is measured by the inter-valley trade account. The volume in the inter-valley trade account can change quickly now that people are using the convenience of automated online trading.

Why is the limit needed?

Read more: Understanding the Goulburn to Murray trade limit

The 2015-16 report is the 13th in the annual series which summarises Victoria’s water availability, distribution and use for the year.

Data in the report is provided by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, water businesses, catchment management authorities, the Essential Services Commission, the Bureau of Meteorology, and major water users.

Reports for previous years are available here.