Please see news article Important information for end of 2022-23 financial year and trade opening times for July 2023 for previous information around end of year and start of year trade information.

If you require further information about any of the below information, reach out to the Victorian Water Register team via

There is now updated information regarding the Goulburn to Murray trade limit (Tuesday 4 July 2023)

In 2022-23, for the first time in many years, low reliability entitlements for the Goulburn system received 100% allocation. This has increased the volume committed from the Goulburn to restore flows in the Snowy River in the coming year by 26 GL compared to last year. This higher amount that needs to be set aside for Snowy commitments means that the amount of trade available at the start of the 2023-24 water year will be less than the 83 GL that was available in July 2022. The amount of trade made available on Tuesday 4 July will be around 59 GL. If you want to know how the Snowy Reserve impacts trade opportunity see the Goulburn to Murray Trade - Worked Examples here.

The Goulburn to Murray Trade Limit – which governs allocation trade from the Goulburn, Broken, Campaspe and Loddon systems to the Victorian Murray system, New South Wales and South Australia – will open on Tuesday 4 July 2023 after allocation for the new water year is posted in Victorian accounts on 3 July 2023. This provides traders with access to their start of season allocation.

The amount of trade made available on Tuesday 4 July will be around 59 GL.

When trade opens for the year the amount of trade made available is 240 GL minus the reserves that have been set aside. These reserves include:

  • ~100 GL is reserved to meet legacy trade commitment.
  •  ~66 GL is reserved for meet water recovery commitments for the Snowy River in the coming year.
  •  ~15 GL is reserved to meet use from tagged accounts that are ‘Grandfathered’ under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

The remaining ~59 GL is released as trade opportunity (240 GL minus 181 GL) at the start of the water year. 

Find out more about how Goulburn to Murray trade opportunity is calculated here.

The Goulburn to Murray trade opportunity opens for submission on Tuesday 4 July 2023 at 10:00am to 10:30am and the manual processing duration will be from 10:30am until 5pm.

Trade application submission and manual processing of applications will occur as follows:

  • Trade opportunity will be released on Saturday 1 July for the Barmah Choke trade opportunity, and Tuesday 4 July for other intervalley trade opportunities. Each opening will be open for a limited submission window, as follows:


    • Midnight to 8:30am on Saturday 1 July for the Barmah Choke trade opportunity
    • 10am to 10:30am on Tuesday 4 July for all other trade opportunities 
  • Within each submission window, water market participants should submit all allocation trade applications through the MyWater and Broker Portals as usual. Each trade application will be queued in the order received by our online interface in the Victorian Water Register.
  • After the submission window closes, the MyWater and Broker Portals will be offline until 5:00pm while manual processing of applications takes place.
  • Applicants will receive notification on the outcomes of trade applications as they are manually processed, and no later than 5:00pm on the day of the opening.
  • The system will return to normal operation after 5:00pm.

As a reminder the trade opportunities from 1 July—4 July 2023 are summarised in the table below

Trade limit

Opening time

Opening balance

Barmah Choke trade limit​

Submission from Midnight to 8:30am on Saturday 1 July 2023.

Approximately 60,600 ML (please seMDBA announcement on opening Barmah Choke trade opportunity)​

Goulburn to Murray trade limit​

Submission from 10:00am to 10:30am on Tuesday 4 July 2023. 

Approximately 59,000 ML 

Broken Trade Out Limit​

Submission from 10:00am to 10:30am on Tuesday 4 July 2023. 

1,500 ML​


12:00 am (midnight) 1July 2023

For the Goulburn, Upper Goulburn and Campaspe, at 10.00am AEST on 4 July 2023, the NVRM will make allocations to entitlements historically traded out as exchange-rate trade.

NSW to VIC trade limits​

Submission from 10:00am to 10:30am on Tuesday 4 July 2023. 

Lesser of a net annual volume of 200,000 ML or a volume that keeps the risk of spill from Victoria’s share of Hume and Dartmouth reservoirs below 50%​.

Intra-zone trade

12:00 am (midnight) 1July 2023

N/A (no limit on intra-zone trade)



pdfFrequently Asked Questions- July Trade Opening 2023180.42 KB