Improved allocation trade price information for the Murray: above and below the Barmah Choke

The allocation trade price summary information on the homepage of the Victorian Water Register website has now been updated to show the price for three separate areas.

  • Murray (below the Barmah Choke)
  • Murray (above the Barmah Choke)
  • Goulburn

Splitting the Murray trading zones to show the price for above or below the Barmah Choke will help support water users and market participants to make informed decisions when participating in the water market.

Market prices on the Murray above and below the Barmah Choke can differ due to the effects of the Barmah Choke trade rule.

The price shown reflects the approved trades via a rolling seven-day median, if at least five trades have occurred during that time. It is a price at a point in time to show the relative current price and the trend over recent weeks. Future prices can vary depending on conditions.

This new market price information will follow through to the Market Watch app soon.

Improved allocation trade opportunities and limits information

Clearer information on the factors that influence the available trade opportunities under key Victorian trade rules is now available on the Allocation Trade Opportunities and Limits page. Using the link titled ‘Click here for the data that leads to the limits above,’ the pdf will now show updated information about the factors that determine how much trade opportunity is available under these trade rules:

  • Goulburn to Murray
  • Broken trade out
  • NSW to Victoria